Our CorePAN product line successfully passed non-combustibility tests according to DIN 4102-1 : 1998-05 and consequently receives the construction material class A1 certificate.
Vaku-Isotherm participates in the 14th International Vacuum Insulation Symposium (IVIS). The venue takes places between the 19th and 20th September in Kyoto / Japan. We will gladly meet you there for any communication or just a small talk. Please contact info@vaku-isotherm.de if you are interested in a meeting during the venue. See you in Japan!
ultraVIP is the perfect solution for trace insulation. The core consists of our vakuVIP B2 element which is protected by a PU coating on the one side and gum on the other side. The outlier consists of PU which makes it possible to adapt/cut it to any geometry on the building site.
New in our portfolio: BASF Slentite. A robust superinsulation material with heat conductivity value lower than 0.017 W/mK. The material can be cut at the building site and comes in standard plate dimensions. Now available from VI.
Specially designed for high temperature applications: corePAN. It does not burn up to very high temperatures (see technical data sheet) and has a low thermal conductivity of < 0,020 W/mK.
The new high-tech core press significantly increases Vaku-Isotherm's annual output of VIPs more than twice. Thus we react to the increasing demand across all sectors and are still able to deliver within 5 to 10 working days.
Since a couple of years, we have been supporting the Rossauer FC 97, a football club located in our immediate environment. For this year's season, we provided a new set of jerseys.
New product specially made and developed for hot water tanks: 360° pre-shaped form with extremely low heat conductivity value of 0.0035 W/mK and heat resistant foil.