Our new CNC saw has been running successfully since June 2021. With the commissioning of the new CNC saw, the process for cutting the core material could be optimized significantly.
Vaku-Isotherm is showing its latest products on the Dach + Holz trade fair in Stuttgart between the 28th of January and 31st of January 2020. We invite everyone to come by and talk with our team and get the latest info on vacuum insulation panels for various applications in the building sector.
Due to a higher demand in our vakuVIP products Vaku-Isotherm increases its capacities in January 2020. Machine investments and modifications of existing machines as well as extended personnel training over the last couple of month are the basement of the initiative. We are looking forward to a great year 2020 and we thank all our customers.
Our CorePAN product line successfully passed non-combustibility tests according to DIN 4102-1 : 1998-05 and consequently receives the construction material class A1 certificate.
Vaku-Isotherm participates in the 14th International Vacuum Insulation Symposium (IVIS). The venue takes places between the 19th and 20th September in Kyoto / Japan. We will gladly meet you there for any communication or just a small talk. Please contact info@vaku-isotherm.de if you are interested in a meeting during the venue. See you in Japan!
ultraVIP is the perfect solution for trace insulation. The core consists of our vakuVIP B2 element which is protected by a PU coating on the one side and gum on the other side. The outlier consists of PU which makes it possible to adapt/cut it to any geometry on the building site.
New in our portfolio: BASF Slentite. A robust superinsulation material with heat conductivity value lower than 0.017 W/mK. The material can be cut at the building site and comes in standard plate dimensions. Now available from VI.
Specially designed for high temperature applications: corePAN. It does not burn up to very high temperatures (see technical data sheet) and has a low thermal conductivity of < 0,020 W/mK.