
Vaku-Isotherm is a member of the GSH and has been awarded the RAL quality-mark for its Vacuum-Insulation-Panels. Being approved by an independent institute ensures our quality promise additionally. Granting the right to use the RAL quality mark is associated with the obligation to fulfil required quality conditions.  The RAL award certificate enables a manufacturer to carry the RAL-quality mark of the GSH. It furthermore proves that the manufacturer and its products or services comply with the quality requirements of the GSH. Please find the certificates below.


Moreover, our vakuVIP B2 construction product - concerning the application areas DAD, DAA, DZ, DI DEO, WAB, WAA, WH, WTR and WI - was approved by the official German Institute for Structual Engineering (DiBt) according to DIN 4108-10. The certificate will be gladly submitted when requested. Please contact us. 

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